Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Memories made in the door way

As you may know we moved to our new home a few months back and I have to say love the new place but there is two thing I miss about our old home. First, the door jam in the old girls room and my dishwasher but the dishwasher is for a different day. Growing up I always wanted a spot on the wall showing the growth  of my babies from first standing up till the day they walked out the door to move on to the next adventure in life. I was talking with my husband about this and how I miss our old door jam that I had written Jacob and Emma’s heights on since they stood and how I actualy cried taking the magic eraser to it a few months ago when we moved out (he didn’t even know I had been doing this). As an after thought he said I would have taken the board out and taken it to the new house if it meant that much to you… Did I mention how sweet my husband is <3 After a day of reflection I was so bumbed I was in such a rush to clean out the house for the renters I didn't even take the time to take a picture of the door jam. After thinking over different ideas I decided I wanted a full size ruler board to keep fond memories on of watching my babies grow and excited memories for them of how much they grew since their last birthday. Anyways we had to make ours go to 7’6” since our son is to be at least 7’0. Soo here is my new memory stick!! It doesn't hold 32 GB of photos or files but it holds memories of my children from learning to stand, how big they were on the first day of school or prom.. yes they might have to stand there morning of prom just so I can look back and see how little they were at one point and how much they have grown in more ways than one before they fly the coop.